Emergence of Boko Haram escalated gender based violence against women, says Prof Joy Ngozi Ezeilo (SAN,OON)

The Emeritus Dean of Law at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Prof. Joy Ezeilo (SAN) has said that the emergence of Boko Haram has escalated sexual and gender-based violence against women in the country.

The law teacher noted that the abduction and trafficking of girls as mercenaries and comfort to provide sex for the insurgents, forced marriage to terrorists and ‘sex-for-food further escalated GBV in the country.

She noted that these untoward practices are having a significant impact on women, children and persons with disabilities, resulting in huge unmet justice needs.

Ezeilo stated this in Abuja while speaking at the launch of three books: “Effects of Bwari conflict and Enugu sit-at-home on women,” Experiences and conditions of domestic workers in North West Nigeria’ and ‘Impact of the farmer-herder crisis on women and girls in IDP camps’ published by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (RSL) West Africa.

The don noted that gender-based violence on women and girls are rising because of low prosecution of perpetrators.

She said: “Offenders get away with their crimes due to a lack of due diligence in investigation and prosecution, evidence, and witness support, including delays and corruption in the administration of the criminal justice system.”

Written by Frank Ikpefan (The Nation)


Emergence of Boko Haram escalated gender based violence against women, says Prof. Joy Ngozi Ezeilo (SAN,OON)

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